Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Jesus my Refuge

Ever had a few days where the cares of this life wage war against your internal sense of balance?
You wake a little anxious running over the scenarios in your mind again and again.
Right there I made a choice!
 I need to take this to The Lord and seek Him for peace and rest.
I have put on the whole armour and having done all to stand- still standing.
 Yet, my mind is being bombarded. Time to renew the mind and start to focus on the Promise and not the  situation.
Now, I am not talking about denial but giving the situation less influence in my thoughts and focussing more on being in The Presence and letting Him quell my fears and change the neural pathways that are in a rut and needing to be re-routed!
Feeling peaceful and calm in my hiding place in Jesus, I can now remember what He has promised me in His Word and be definite about trusting Him and having faith in who  He is and His nature. 
He is unchanging. If He said it , He will do it.
 I can trust Him because over decades I have tasted and seen that He is good and He has delivered me from all my fears. Why would he stop doing that now?
Just one call to my King and He hears me and comes in His manifest Wrap-around Presence and my heart surrenders its  anxiety and ceases to strive and innately knows He is My Father and He will take care of things.
In His Presence , in my safe place, in the Secret cleft in the Rock,  I am secure and taken care of.
All through the day I go back and remind myself of these precious moments and I can soothe the troubled thoughts that try to come.
Brother Lawrence called it Practicing the Presence of Jesus in his iconic book of that title.
I call it  life changing. 

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