Friday, 2 September 2011

Sunsets, Camels and South Sea Pearls

Broome captured a piece of my heart.The sheer beauty of the landscape was enough to bring tears of joy to my eyes as I gazed upon the loveliness of this jewel in the crown of the Kimberleys.
Contrast the dramatic red colour of the shoreline and the cliffs as they framed the turquoise and aqua colours of the sea. Creation at its most pristine and piercingly beautiful.
The magnificence of the different hues of a sunset on the pure white sand of Cable Beach was breathtaking from the back of a camel.
I have a passion for pearls, especially South Sea pearls but they are all lovely.We loved the tour of Willie Creek pearl farm where we took in an actual lesson on how they seed the oyster and how the nacre covers it to stop the irritation and how this forms the pearl.Of course it is a lot more in-depth than that but that is the gist of it.
I love pearls because they are formed from an irritant getting into the oyster. Isn't our life like that? So many things irritate us and get under our skin.The calamities of life can be a permanent irritant- a reminder that we are now living in a new kind of normal.However, like the oyster we can release the nacre, or coating that covers the injury until out of pain and suffering comes a pearl of exquisite beauty.
Right there, we have a choice.We can allow life to shape us into something of compassion and mercy and grace or we can allow it to make us bitter and cynical. I like to think of God's grace as the nacre that coats our wounded hearts and makes us into a person that is made in Jesus image.
Of course, then, I also love pearls because Jesus , Himself was the Pearl of Great Price. He talked about the Kingdom of God being like a pearl merchant who had searched all of his life for a flawless pearl. Upon finding that one, rare pearl, he sold all that he had and went and purchased it.
In those days sea pearls were very rare, because they had to dive deep to find them and they did not have equipment to dive deep, nor did they have farms for pearls. They were unique and much sought after.
Once you have seen the beauty of Jesus, the Pearl of great price, it is not hard to want to live your whole life for Him.To want to be in the kingdom of God and see others come to know the reality of this becomes a driving passion.
Also, in the parable you and I are the pearl of great price.The Father sent Jesus to pay the ultimate price to redeem our innocence and His likeness in us.He gave all that he had to purchase the field in which we are the pearl.
I love pearls for a whole lot of reasons, not the least of which, is the fact that they make me happy to look at and I love wearing them.  Also, wisdom is like that much sought after pearl. It can only be had as we learn how to face our life's trials with dignity , purpose and grace.